



Jin Izumisawa - Linux Foundation Japan
Naru... - Ricoh
Fumio Nagasaka - Epson
Osamu Mihara - Fuji Xerox
Tatsuya Saito - NEC Soft
Olaf Meeeuwissen - Avasys
Yuji Saito - Avasys
Akiyoshi Miyata - Avasys
Atsushi Sekiguchi - Konica Minolta
Keisho Shida - Canon
Yasumasa Toratani - Canon
... - Turbo Linux
... - Ricoh
Markus Rex - Linux Foundation
Till Kamppeter - Linux Foundation

Request to meet regularily in Japan by Shida-san

Till present Montreal summit results

Till requests help with embedded printing, as Glen Petrie was reassigned
Nagasaka-san promised to reevaluate reassignment of Glen

Till gives overview about status of OP workgroup status
Shida-san mentions that JTAPI, PDAPI have different 'nearly complete' status
Till suggests update in email after the summit so he can upload correct slides
Update will have new status with "spec-complete", "design-complete",
"implementation-complete" etc.

Discussion about future direction of OP workgroup

Till presents Print system validation & OP Japan F2F printer validation results
Also presentation of printer validation plans
Nagasaka-san comments of USB-port being less common than parallel and network

Discussion about prioritazation of future direction. Vendors suggest to change
"validation" to "compatibility verification" to avoid confusion with legal
responsibility of "validation". Full agreement that user experience is most
important goal, and Linux distributions need method to improve that experience.

Proposal: small subgroup from vendors, distribution and maybe application
develop guideline proposal which will be shared with bigger group. goal is to
provide automatic framework for user experience testing and compatibility.
Each part (vendor, distribution, application) needs self-testing capability to
allow independent testing.  Coordination will happen via OP SC and
mailinglists. Till will coordinate and involve all groups.

Proposal from Nagasaka-san to invite Apple to OP to reduce testing costs.

Till presents LSB integration plans. Olaf suggests to think about using SANE
for camera.

Automated driver download: vendors request download data. Till will add offer
to subscription service to get access to numbers.

Till presents PDF workflow overview

Till presents Common Printing Dialog

Till presents Final summit notes

Question from Nagasaka-san on goal of OpenUsability dialog design. Answer: goal
is to include common printer dialog into KDE/GNOME so distributions pick it up.
Important are vendor-specific features inside dialog. Till demonstrates current
state of dialog. Printer vendors are asked to provide feedback on concept, and
maybe start working already towards this. Please provide feedback based on
MMIworks current website and do so by end of November.

Nagasaka-san suggests feedback from printer to dialog via CUPS. Till is
sceptical that current version of CUPS can do this. 

Design should be completed before design meeting early 2008.
Till will create draft specification for dialog and PPD extension by
Strong desire by vendors to have PPD handling done in central place, like a
common library. Olaf suggested CUPS PPD API.
Scepsis on implementation in GNOME...
Also scepsis on how to solve conflicts in PPD. So far OpenUsability has no
solution firmly set. If there is any proposal, please suggest it at the mailing
list. Version 1 very important.

Suggestion on device discovery: not only focus on USB, but also work on
discovery on network device.

Discussion on the PDF workflow: very little interest by Japanese vendors to
provide work on pdftoijs [TILL PLEASE CONFIRM HERE]. HP as main user should do
the work.
Vendors will discuss participation on work on pdftoraster and pdftotext.
Vendors will discuss their position on PDF workflow at next Japanese OP meeting
and provide feedback on the mailinglist and/or to Till directly.

Driver packaging: 3 subtopics:
1. Setup tool
2. Servers with printer drivers
3. Requirements for automated driver download

on 1. part of distribution packages and work with distribution
on 2. A) open printing server should be the main driver upload server
      B) create links from open printing database to vendor's site
      Strong preference by LF for A)
on 3. The LF to define requirements for automatic update and download
      infrastructure. --> Set up uploading HOWTO

Request is to clarify the rating system and what the criteria are.
It will be possible for vendors to change ratings. Toratani-san would like to
see quick improvement from Canon's perspective.

Suggestion by Sekiguchi-san to clearly disalign new automated system from
existing rating/user registered system. Markus and Till to discuss and report

Plan is to have 2 OP meetings in Japan each year, linked to the LF Japan
openprinting/lfjapansymposiumtokyo2007minutesmarkus.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/19 01:20 (external edit)